Why Universities Have Started MBA Online Degree?

There are two consecutive processes that go on when taking an MBA Online:

The students become more reflective as well as active learners.
Both teachers and students get involved in learning through the use of advanced technology hence getting to familiarize with the same.

Approaches to Online Learning

There are two major approaches to taking online MBA Programs that have emerged: these include synchronous and asynchronous modes of studying. The Synchronous mode of studying involves ‘real time’ instruction and collaboration through the help of the Internet. It typically takes the form of:

  • Live chat
  • Video and Audio conferencing
  • Sharing Data as well as application of the same
  • Whiteboard sharing
  • Virtual “hand raising
  • The viewing of online slide shows and multimedia presentations jointly
  • Asynchronous mode of MBA Online study takes advantage of the internet time-delayed. It is associated with the use of

  • E-mail
  • File attachments
  • Online Threaded discussions
  • Bulletin boards and news groups
  • There are two major reasons why universities set out on this course of online mode of delivering MBA Programs. These were towards both the teachers and the learners.

    Merits of Teaching Online

    Offering MBA Programs online can:

    It gives the teacher an opportunity to view teaching styles from a new dimension.

    When a teacher gets engaged in online MBA Programs, they get a chance to try out new teaching techniques that are offered only by the online platform. An example is the use of webliographies and threaded discussions.

    The teacher is able to acquire new skills and techniques to use in full time classes.

    Well, most of the teaching methodology that is applied when delivering MBA Online instructions still has a very positive aid to the traditional face to face classes. As such, the teacher is at an advantage of acquiring the new skill and techniques online and applying the same to the full time classes. An incorporation of the two for the full time classes produces marvelous results.

    Expansive delivery of the curriculum

    If MBA Programs are accessible online, they allow for easy access of teachers and schools at large to students that would otherwise not be reached by the teachers. This goes far from national and regional levels to the international scene. For now a university in the US can still admit student from Kenya in East Africa without really having to ask them to travel over.

    Professional satisfaction

    While teaching a full time face to face classroom is nice, teaching MBA Online creates a platform that provides the teacher with a unique and professionally rewarding experience that they may never had the chance to get. The students handled online come from diverse backgrounds and it is so fascinating to reach them from an academic point of view.

    Instructor convenience

    The convenience provided by online MBA Programs is not only for the teacher. Such convenience is extended to the teacher too. It gives the instructor the chance to comfortably handle flexible work schedules and at-home office hours.

    More income from fees

    Mentioning online education means more students to universities hence more cash flow in terms of fees.