
Internationalized Domain Names and Homograph Attacks

With normal spoofing a scammer tries to get personal information by sending fraudulent emails masquerading as an official website an individual might be working with. While some fall for the deception, many know better since the domain name in the email doesn’t resemble the domain name they usually…

Yahoo Domain Names

Businesses are fooling themselves if they think they can continue to conduct business without a website. This is because in today’s age, having a website makes many think a company is ‘official.’ But a website by itself doesn’t mean anything without a decent domain name. Granted, a company can t…

Free Domain Names

Without a domain name, a person does not have a suitable way to find a website. The only problem is domain names cost money. Granted, if a person is operating one or two sites, the cost of a domain name, (which ranges from $1.00 to $35), probably isn’t too steep. However, what if one is an avid mar…

Domain Name Servers

Technically, domain names aren’t necessary to access a website. This is because with or without them, all websites can be accessed by their corresponding IP address. What is an IP address? It is a 32-bit numerical identifier that indicates what machine a website is on. The only problem is that for …

Cybersquatting and Your Domain Name

When it comes to domain names, don’t think that you only need to worry about the ones that you registered. This is because with the phenomenon of cybersquatting, domain names that are similar to your company’s trademark could be registered to unscrupulous webmasters, intending to use them in bad f…

Bulk Domain Name Registration

Most Internet marketing gurus know the importance of using a domain name. However, only the experts use bulk domain names when marketing their website. How do things work if one is using bulk domain names? Basically, with the bulk domain name tactic, dozens maybe even hundreds of domain names point …