How emotions affect communication

Why do you think you feel bad when you see a poor miserable man in the street? Apart from feeling guilty for not helping poor people there would still be some sad emotions that you will experience upon seeing anybody who suffers.

Do you know why you experience these emotions? Its because you have experienced some of the mans pain at the moment you saw him!!

We humans usually absorb some of the emotions of the person we are watching or listening to and then experience a change in our own mood even though nothing bad happened to us.

In this article I will explain how emotions affect communication between people.

Emotions are communicated to the people we deal with
Why do you think you feel scared in horror movies when you see actors feeling scared? Its because their emotions were communicated to you through their gestures and facial expressions.

Why do you think we like confident people? confident people transfer their emotions to us and make us feel relaxed and calm.

On the other hand people who are anxious unconsciously transfer to us some of their anxiety and this makes us feel uneasy around them.

I am sure you have experienced being with someone who is overly stressed and then ended up being stressed too!! In short emotions are communicated to us by the people we deal with whether we notice it or not.

Avoiding the absorption of bad emotions
Lots of people experience a change in mood without knowing why and in many cases the change in mood Is just a result of absorbing someone elses emotions. After knowing how emotions affect communication you should do the following in order to have a good mood:

* Avoid negative people If possible: because they will unintentionally transfer their emotions to you

* Keep an eye on your own emotions: So that you don’t confuse them with the emotions you absorb from other people

* Act confident : When you act confidently people will feel relaxed around you and you will have better social relations