Using your PDA to View Pictures

Almost every PDA available today has the capability to store pictures on them. The picture has to be in the right format in order for the pictures to display properly. Most pictures can actually be saved on the main memory of your PDA, however once again they can be stored on a memory card and viewed this way. The same rule applies; simply use the stylus to open the storage card file and find the picture you would like to view. This is another way to view pictures on your PDA.

Most pictures appear reasonably clear on a PDA, this also depends on the resolution your PDA has on its operating system. Some PDA’s will allow you to place pictures on the main screen that is just like the desktop computer main screen. Pictures that won’t display on your PDA may be too big as well. If this is the case, the picture will come up however you will only see a portion of the picture instead of the entire view.

The PDA that has pictures on the main memory will display the pictures by simply opening the appropriate folder and using the stylus selecting the specific picture and it will be displayed on the screen. If your PDA doesn’t have a lot of memory to spare the picture may load slowly. If this happens, simply close some of the other programs you may have running just as you would with a desktop computer.

Your PDA comes with a display picture or a wallpaper display for the main screen, however adding wallpaper pictures usually will not work on most older version PDA’s. This is possible with some of the newer versions of PDA’s, and there are many versions available today. One that will fit almost every need for every individual person.

One thing I should mention also is if you let your PDA battery lose its charge completely the pictures you might have saved on the main memory will definitely be lost. You want to keep your PDA battery charged. This way you won’t have to worry about those pictures being deleted and possibly lost for good. This is also considered a good way of being able to not have to carry all those pictures of loved ones and friends that can possibly get damaged in your purse or your wallet. By putting them on a PDA, they are digital and can easily be put right back on if for some reason one or two are accidentally deleted.

People like this feature, whereas they can carry the PDA in their purse or on their belt and have easy access to show off their pictures. As with a journal or the MP3 part of a PDA, some people use the PDA just for pictures, it is like their very own digital picture album and with plenty of space, because this is all the PDA is used for it can hold several pictures, as well as holding pictures on a storage card that can be placed in the PDA as well.
