Going through all the photo shoots, all the makeovers, wardrobes, traveling, catwalks and spotlights, it’s easy to forget the most important thing about modeling. This article will kindly point out what that thing is in hopes that you’ll take it to heart and remember it throughout your modeling career.
The bare bone truth and the most important realization in modeling is that perfection is never an obtainable goal. Take a moment to think about that statement and then think about why it could be important. Repeat it to yourself three times and then three times more.
All too often we incorrectly hear that to be a model, you need to look perfect. As a result, we find models starving themselves to be thin, spending thousands of dollars on FDA unapproved surgical procedures to look younger, or using potentially dangerous hair products in hopes of looking perfect.
The problem with these actions other than their obvious danger is that they will never make a model look, feel, or act perfect. Simply put, perfection is never an obtainable goal. Not in the modeling industry, not in the medical industry, not anywhere. No one is – or ever will – look or be perfect. It’s impossible!
Nature by design does not permit perfection because if it did – we would have nothing to improve on, nothing to dream about, and ultimately nothing to do.
Forget about being a model for a moment. You must remember that as a human – you can only do your best and look your best. You literally can not reach beyond your best. Your best may be different than that of others… but the effort that you put behind your best is as much and as valuable as anyone else’s effort. And it’s your effort is what you can and have the right to be proud of.
Your efforts behind doing, feeling, and looking your best are what make you a true model – not plastic surgery, not bingeing and purging, and certainly not frying your hair off with untested hair products or eroding your gums with excessive use of teeth whiteners.
It’s a harsh reality, but if you ever feel that you need to do these things to look your best – then modeling isn’t for you. Successful modeling needs men, women, and teens who are confident enough to do their best without putting their own health at risk.
Source: https://positivearticles.com