Quick First Aid Training Guide

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can often lead to death. The allergy could be to just about anything from pollen to nuts. It causes great respiratory distress and can include symptoms as mild as minor hives to swelling in the throat that hinders breathing. OK that part is down pat so what are you going to do about it now? First you want to call 911 and then find out if possible if this person has an EpiPen, which they would if they ever had an allergic reaction before.

Had you gone to the first aid class they would have taught you to have a nice first aid in your home and in your car and in it would be Benadryl. Have the person lay flat with their feet elevated higher than their head. Make sure their clothes are not binding in any way; cover them with a blanket, the blanket that also would have been in your car when you took the first aid training class. Do not give them anything to drink at all. If their heart r breathing stops then begin CPR, oh yeah, that was part of the class you have not gone to yet. Then wait for paramedics.

So you are at the mall and it appears that the fellow ahead of you may have suffered what appears to be a heart attack. No one seems to know for sure if that’s what it is. They discuss the warning signs of a heart attack and how to identify one in the first aid training class by the way. Immediately call 911 and while you are waiting See if the person has nitroglycerin but if not attempt to give them an aspirin. Wait on paramedics but at any time if the person stops breathing or loses their pulse, administer CPR.

You are near someone that is bleeding severely and only you can help them. What will you do? Before you touch them you should have sanitized your hands or put on a pair of vinyl gloves as to not cause an infection when you touch them. Those too would be in the first aid kit along with the aspirin for the guy who had the heart attack. Do not move things around just cover the wound with a dressing.

If they are not already, have the person lie down and elevate the part that is bleeding if possible. Try to do a basic clean job on the wound then apply pressure and do not let up until either the bleeding stops or help arrives.

Just observing these three emergency situations you can clearly see the tools and knowledge that you are lacking by not taking a first aid training course right away. There were many situations above that could have been handled well if you had the proper first aid training.

Source: https://positivearticles.com