Pay Attention To The Very Early Sign And Symptom Of Pregnancy

You can tell whether you are pregnant by examining carefully the very early sign and symptom of pregnancy. Are you aware of all the signs? If not, then read on.

Morning Sickness

Every morning you wake up and head for the bathroom to throw up. Well, you might be pregnant! Vomiting, which is popularly known as morning sickness is a fine indication that it’s time to celebrate! This is the very early sign and symptom of pregnancy, which most of the women are annoyed of.

Tender Breasts

Feel your breasts. Are they tender and enlarged? If yes, then congratulations, you might be pregnant! This very early sign and symptom of pregnancy makes many women confused, as it is similar to the one that you experience before your period. However, watch out for the difference. If you are pregnant, then this symptom will be exaggerated.


Even the healthiest of the women experience this very early sign and symptom of pregnancy. You feel so tired at the end of the day that you might even plop in your sofa and fall asleep! Don’t force your body to work. Take the extra rest that your body asks for. It’s preparing for a busy nine-month schedule!

Higher Sensitivity To Odors

This is the most surprising thing to happen! The aroma of your favorite dish or coffee now makes you sick! This very early sign and symptom of pregnancy is due to the higher level of estrogen hormone in your body. Don’t worry; it’s just a passing phase. Don’t think that you have lost your sense of fine taste and smell forever!

Frequent Urination

You can’t help this very early sign and symptom of pregnancy! Once again, the changed hormone chemistry in your body is to be blamed. As the amount of blood and certain other fluids in your body rise during pregnancy, your kidney has to work double hard to filter the fluids into your bladder. So, help your poor kidneys and always be prepared to visit the loo!


This very early sign and symptom of pregnancy is the same that you experience before your period. But it’s not period, if it’s accompanied by other symptoms. You will also see spots of blood in your underwear. This happens around 10-12 days after you conceive. If you have always hated period cramps (which most women do), you will hate this too! However, it’s going to last only for a short time period.

In fact, cramping is good news because it indicates that the embryo has been successfully implanted in your uterus! Congratulations!

Higher Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

A continuous higher BBT for a couple of weeks is also a very early sign and symptom of pregnancy.

Abdominal Bloating

Feeling bloated? This very early sign and symptom of pregnancy is, again, the work of hormones.

Missed period

You might overlook other symptoms, but you can’t overlook this very early sign and symptom of pregnancy. Go for a test, thereafter, to confirm your doubt.