Pau darco herb

Right there in the forests of South America is a herb known for its many healing qualities, particularly its curative effects on cancer patients and other diseases. This herb is what we call Pau darco, derived from the inner bark of the Taheebo tree, scientifically known as Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa. It is said that the practice of using this herb dates back to the time of the ancient Incas and Aztecs, the first inhabitants of South America. No wonder in South America alone, we also find accounts of Pau darco’s healing wonders.

There are many uses of Pau darco. In the years between the 1960s and the 1970s, research has been conducted to verify the therapeutic claims of this healing herb. Research, particularly that carried out by the U.S. National Cancer Institute proved that if not preventing or delaying cancer, Pau darco, actually treats cancer in very astounding ways. However, oral doses of the herb have to reach useful levels in the blood, therefore causing some side effects. That’s why dosages were stopped in some patients.

In the abovementioned studies, lapachol, a chemical element strongly present in Pau darco, is shown to be active against the malaria parasite. If you have a compromised immune system, this herb may just be the right one for you. In controlled doses its active chemicals are said to invigorate the immune system. Too much Pau darco could lead to a weak immune system. At present, scientists are still perplexed by the healing qualities of this herb. More research has yet to be done about this.

Pau darco has been found more effective that pharmaceutical medication by many people. Not only does the herb have antifungal, antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, it has also been a cure for inflammations, skin injuries, psoriasis, and even vaginal yeast infections. In some parts of South America, it is even used as a mouthwash, again, because of its antibacterial quality.

In taking the herb, take note of its side effects. Heavy use of Pau darco may result in the loss of red blood cells, thus, causing anemia. Anemia usually results in fatigue, cool, pale skin, an abnormal heartbeat and breathing patterns. Associated with lapachol, lesser side effects include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What does this mean? Testimonies that seem to confirm the effectiveness of a herb should also be taken together with the knowledge on how it will work in the body. For best results, always consult your doctor.