Getting stress relief when you need it most

When under intense stress, it is very natural to withdraw from the world and concentrate exclusively on solving the problem that is causing the stress. Sometimes this is a useful and appropriate reaction. Often, it is not. This is particularly the case as the projects you take on get bigger and bigger: One person working on his or her own simply cannot achieve tasks beyond a certain size. Similarly, many stressful situations cannot be resolved without the help of other people.

Stress management – involve your network

We all have networks of people who can help us in the treatment of stress. This network extends professionally and socially, as well as including our family and public services. Within your organization, your professional networks include relations with your boss, mentors within the organization, colleagues, your team, previous colleagues and organizational support services. Outside your organization, they can include professional contacts, clients, suppliers, professional organizations, trades unions, trades associations and many others. Your social networks obviously include your friends, clubs and social organizations. Your family is obviously important in treating stress. Finally, there is a raft of state and independent organizations whose purpose may be to help you solve the stress causes you are facing. Make sure you can ask for the right kind of help when you need it most.

Actions that can relieve your stress

The following are practical stress support methods that provide essential stress relief. Physical support can be financial or direct help, or provision of useful resources. Political assistance can mean use peoples influence and personal networks on your behalf to help with the situation, for example, by persuading other people to move deadlines, change what they are doing or help directly.

Problem solving and information solving can treat the roots of your stress

Some people may have information that helps in the situation or solves the problem, or may have personal experience that can help you treat the origins of stress. They may have solved the problem before, or may have seen the problem solved elsewhere. Similarly, friends may be able to help you to think through how to solve the problem. Just explaining a problem clearly to someone else can bring a problem into focus so that the solution is obvious. Alternatively, other people may have problem solving skills you do not have, or may just be fresh and unstressed enough to see good alternatives.

Emotional support will increase your stress threshold

Your close network can do wonders for your stress symptoms and give no end of stress relief. They can give emotional support and reassurance when you may be starting to doubt yourself, can help you put problems into context or can help you find relaxation elsewhere as a form of stress treatment. Others can cheer you up when you are feeling down because of stress.

Also learn to cope without your mental props

Once you are confident about who to turn to when facing stress, it is worth noting a sound of cautious in asking for help from people. People can help, but they can also hinder. Pragmatically, if someone is going to help you, you need to be sure that they have the resources you need. These might be experience, connections, or good judgment, as well as the obvious resources of time, money or willingness to help. And people can also tire of giving stress relief if it is asked for too often. This is particularly the case when they have to deal with someone who is negative. It is much more satisfying to help someone who is actively trying to self-treat their stress by solving problems than it is to try to help someone who seems to have already given up. People can also tire if support is a one-way process: You also need to provide a reasonable level of help and support to your friends, family and colleagues, particularly to the ones who help you the most treat your own stress.