Real Estate

Is Your Property Tax Assessment Outrageous

When you receive your property tax bill, you need to go over it very closely. You need to look at the fair market value and the assessed value. These two different things have two different meaning when figuring your property tax liability. Many people have complaints about how the assessment of hom…

What Is Included In Personal Property Tax

Property tax and personal property tax is different because the property tax deals with the building and land. Personal property tax deals with vehicles, boats, planes and other motorcycles. Any type of artwork is subject to personal property tax. If you have a business, any of the inventories is su…

What Happens At A Property Tax Auction

If you have a property that is delinquent on property taxes, the city or town that the taxes are owed to will hold a property tax auction to sell the property in question and redeem the delinquent taxes. This type of auction is not as common in some areas as it is in others. Many times, a property o…

Different Circumstances For Property Tax Reduction

There are some reasons why people receive a property tax reduction. Veterans, seniors, and low income homeowners can apply for a tax reduction or a tax deferral. Keep in mind that not everyone who applies receives the reduction or deferral. The state and community you reside in may vary from other s…

What To Bring With You To A Property Tax Attorney

When you schedule an appointment with a property tax attorney, you need to go to his office prepared. If you do not take along all the necessary documents and information, your first visit may be a waste of time and money causing a return trip with added fees. When you call the property tax attorney…

What Really Affects Your Property Taxes

The first thing that affects your property taxes is the spending habits of your school district, other taxing districts, county and city. If the school district has big plans for renovations, new computers, raises in salary or anything else pertaining to the school district, you may see an increase …

What Is A Property Tax Consultant

Property tax consultants are similar to property tax attorneys except they have no special law degree, but do work to achieve results. You can use a property tax consultant to reduce or protect your taxes on a property. They can help you with filing the paperwork for an appeal, help you find all the…

Mobile Homes And Property Taxes In Wisconsin

In Wisconsin the assessment of a mobile home only has to be done from the point of view meaning the outside can be used to assess the mobile home, however an inside assessment does help. Mobile homes only have to be assessed every five years, therefore the assessed value and the market value are wit…

Using A Property Tax Attorney

If you are concerned about any of the statements on your property tax bill, especially the property tax assessment value, you might want to consult with a property tax attorney. Although you can do the process yourself, you may feel overwhelmed by the legalities and find it necessary to have help. Y…