Boy Scout First Aid Training

As they age their training advances too but before they begin first aid training they all must prepare their own first aid kit which includes all of the following items which must be visible at a glance to avoid the packing and unpacking of the kit.

The first aid kits must include soap, bandages, adhesive, sterile pads, assorted gauze, oral thermometer, scissors, tweezers, sunburn lotion, lip salve, poison ivy lotion, flashlight with extra batteries and bulbs, cotton, iodine tablets, safety pins, needles, paper cups, foot powder, and instant ice packs. That pretty much sums up the Boy Scout the first aid kit except vinyl gloves and a mouthpiece in the event that you have to give CPR. These are for communicable disease purposes.

Not until the boys are out of Cub Scouts and into Boy Scouts are they taught CPR and as a matter of fact the Boy Scouts have to earn a merit badge based on the knowledge and performance in CPR. When the Boy Scouts are taught first aid training, which is continual throughout the program, they are taught to treat all blood as if it were contaminated. Those in the medical field so the same so it is completely acceptable. Therefore, they never use bare hands when treating an emergency and they must wash immediately afterwards with soap and water. They are also taught to use protective eyewear and a mouthpiece in the event of CPR.

Before the Boy Scout can be granted his merit badge he must be able to prove that he is knowledgeable in the following medical emergency situations, display how to obtain emergency assistance in both a home and wilderness environment, must be able to identify the signs of a heart attack, identify the conditions that must be met prior to administering CPR, how to apply a tourniquet to a severe laceration, identify when and if a bee sting could be life threatening, identify heat stroke and measures to prevent it, describe signs of a broken bone, and identify back injuries. Further the scout must be able to show the proper procedures and preventative measures for the following: hypothermia, convulsions, seizures, frostbite, dehydration, sprains, burns, and muscle cramps.

Once the Boy Scout is able to show his abilities in these areas, he is then awarded his merit badge. The Boy Scout Organization is all about training their scouts impeccable knowledge when it comes to assisting with the needs of others. This is why it is so important that they endure such extensive Boy Scout first aid training.

When you consider how much time the scouts spend outdoors in the wilderness and on camping excursions this education in the field of first aid training is one of the most important skills that they will take with them on their journey through life.
